How Lenovo staff can now build a new IT infrastructure in minutes instead of a week

4 min readMay 23, 2021


Openshift is an enterprise Kubernetes, hybrid multi-cloud application platform.

Before going ahead I want to first emphasize here that why we use openshift.

Why Openshift?

We are very clear that we want containers in our business, So only launch a container by using docker/podman/crio is not enough for business perspective only we use these kinds of tools for learning not earning ok.

In business let’s assume that we launch a container by own and host the website, but think if the pod goes down then there is a replication controller in Kubernetes to handle that but if the container goes down not pod or some error comes up in the container, then there is no who inform you that your services go down and you lose your client.

So like this in the microservices world, we have to take care of all the business criteria so that we can grow,

Now I want to tell you something about the app lifecycle

When we create an app then we need to monitor, update, security-related issues, CI/CD, and the more important thing is to management, etc., and lots of staff we have to do regarding the app so interesting thing here all the thing is managed by the Openshift.

These images demonstrate that how actually openshift work

Demo -:) Only I am going to create a PHP code to create an app.

Here i have a code on GitHub.

See only i have given here php code link it automatically creat an app

oc get pods (to see the pods)
oc get svc (It launched a service)

route -: it is a resource of openshift to manage the outside world that who can connect or not.

Ok so in the below you can see the app working very well

This is the power of openshift how faster that kubernetes or any other tool, only we have to specify the code of app after this all the steps done by the openshift.

Lenovo teams faced major challenges in quickly developing and delivering resources -:)

Red Hat OpenShift is the hybrid cloud platform trusted by 2,000+ customers to deliver extraordinary experiences to their users.

Now I am going to talk about how Lenovo grow by using the Red Hat Openshift Platform

First I want to talk about the challenges, desires, solutions, results of Lenovo that why it chooses the RHOCP to grow.

Desire -:

Lenovo wanted to achieve a rapid digital transformation to improve its capabilities and meet businesses’ demands faster.

This transformation required frequent updates and changes to the company’s entire IT environment, and some legacy systems could not keep up.

Challenges -:

The team faced major challenges in quickly developing and delivering resources.

Lenovo needed a comprehensive solution that could support agile application delivery, increase productivity, and improve internal support for DevOps.

Solution -:

Lenovo decided to implement cloud computing with a PaaS solution

Let’s see what told Zhenyu Yao, executive director, Integrated Technology Service at Lenovo

“We chose PaaS as the preferred solution to gain efficient and agile support for our business team”.

Results -:

IT staff can now build a new IT infrastructure in minutes instead of a week or Lenovo has fully automated its development and production processes, helping developers become more efficient and productive.

Let’s see what told Zhenyu Yao, executive director, Integrated Technology Service at Lenovo

“With a PaaS built on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, along with our automated management tools, we can provide efficient and agile cloud services internally and externally”

So this is all about the Levovo that how it used Red Hat Openshift Container Platform to build a IT infrastructure in a minutes ok

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